November 6, 2016 Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 6, 2016|Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time S AINT L AWRENCE THE M ARTYR C ATHOLIC P ARISH AND E DUCATION C ENTER 1971 S T . L AWRENCE D RI

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Our Mission Statement The Parish of the Holy Name of Jesus is a vibrant urban ministry in the Roman Catholic Church within the Franciscan tradition. I

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Story Transcript

November 6, 2016|Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time S AINT L AWRENCE THE M ARTYR C ATHOLIC P ARISH AND E DUCATION C ENTER 1971 S T . L AWRENCE D RIVE S ANTA C LARA , CA 95051  T EL . N O . 408-296-3000  F AX N O . 408-296-3100 E-Mail Address: [email protected]  Website:

Celebrating Our Catholic Faith through Worship, Education, and Service



 8:00 AM  10:00 AM (Children’s Liturgy of the Word)  12 Noon  1:30 PM (Mass in Spanish)  6:00 PM (Youth Mass)

 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM or by appointment



American Sign Language (ASL) Mass

6:30 PM (In the Parish Hall) 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month


 

8:30 AM 5:00 PM (Sunday Vigil)

Monday – Friday ● 8:30 AM

Eucharistic Adoration Thursday  9:00 AM - 8:30 PM Solemn Benediction 8:30 PM

Devotions Rosary (English) Monday to Saturday ● After the 8:30 AM Mass Rosario en Español ● Martes 6:30 PM en Capilla Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help ● Tuesday 8:15 AM

Chapel Open Daily from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM

November 13, 2016 Education Center

November 20, 2016 Fund for Church Loan Payments and Maintenance

November 27, 2016 Campaign for Human Development

St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish accepts donations electronically using your computer, tablet or smart phone.

Parishioner Benefits  Set up your own contributions  Change your contributions at any time  Your donation is automatic and safe  Electronic giving is efficient, practical and easy

Please prayerfully consider Online Giving. Visit our Parish website at for more information or to sign up. The Eucharist program is held Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Location: Rectory Conference Room For more information or to sign up, please contact: Elia Morgan at [email protected] or stop by the Parish Office .

Has someone you know and love lost the faith? On the last Sunday of each month a Mass is offered for them. Please join our Saint Monica Sodality. There are no dues and no meetings, only your prayers are required. Send your names of loved ones to be remembered to Mary Ann Miller c/o The Saint Lawrence Parish Office. She will add these names to our special album and a prayer card will be given to you.

Please pray each day that all of our loved ones will return to God.

God’s justice now becomes the liberating force for those oppressed by slavery to sin and its consequences. God’s justice is his mercy. (S20) Pope Francis - Misericordiae Vultus Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee of Mercy La justicia de Dios se convierte ahora en liberación para cuantos están oprimidos por la esclavitud del pecado y sus consecuencias. La justicia de Dios es su perdón. (S20) Papa Francisco - Misericordiae Vultus Bula de Indicción del Jubileo de la Misericordia

Fr. Ernesto Orci Pastor [email protected]

Fr. Paul-Cuong Phan Parochial Vicar [email protected]

PARISH OFFICE 1-408-296-3000

Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - Noon [email protected] Giuliana Barragan Office Manager [email protected] Vickie Wallace Office Assistant [email protected] Sr. Graciela Ramos, MESST Pastoral Minister [email protected] Noel Fisico Music Coordinator 1-408-869-8254 [email protected]

CATECHETICAL OFFICE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF RELIGION 1-408-296-0208 M. Eleanor de Paz Catechetical Director [email protected] MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY 1-408-296-0208 M. Eleanor de Paz [email protected] HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION Elgin Presa - Coordinator Katrina Antonio - Coordinator [email protected]

HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY 1-408-296-0208 [email protected] YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Patrick Sylvester - Coordinator [email protected] ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL (Pre-K - 8th Grade) 1-408-296-2260 Margaret Reynolds - Principal [email protected] CHILDREN’S CENTER 1-408-296-8077 Teen Center & Extended Day Care Sue Herbelin - Director

Office for the Protection Office of Financial Services If you suspect financial of Children and Vulnerable mismanagement or Adults misconduct in your parish, Diocese of San Jose school, or in the Anthony Gonzalez Diocese of San Jose, Phone: 1-408-983-0113 please contact: EthicsPoint Fax: 1-408-983-0147 Emergency line: 1-408-983-0141 or hotline 888-325-7863 E-mail: [email protected]

November 6, 2016 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Page 2

Second Book of Maccabees

Liturgy Corner by: Deborah Ferry

(Taken from Commentary On Second Book Of Maccabees ) As the liturgical year draws to a close, the readings invite us to reflect on the transitory nature of human life and the destiny of eternal life that awaits us. We call this concern with the “end times” and life after death “eschatology.” Belief in life after death came gradually to the Hebrew people and was not universally accepted even in Jesus’ day. Belief in resurrection from the dead is not clearly expressed in the Old Testament until about 150 years before the birth of Jesus when it surfaces in the book of Daniel and in the second book of Maccabees, from which today’s text is taken. Its affirmation of belief in life after death makes today’s text very significant. The story recounts the martyrdom of seven Jewish brothers and their mother at the hand of the occupying Seleucid Greeks near the end of the second century before Christ. Today’s passage, from which the graphic and gory details have been deleted, tells only part of the story. This reading was chosen for today’s liturgy less to extol the brothers’ heroic determination to faithfully follow God’s law and more to proclaim the brothers’ believe that they will “live again forever.” That’s what connects this reading to the Gospel. However, the brothers’ conviction that they will live again is demonstrated through their willingness to suffer and die, therefore the powerful descriptions of the young men’s valor and their edifying speeches are presented with nobility and conviction. The first brother is defined as confident spokesman for the rest; the second brother, who knows well why he is dying, mockingly asserts that that his tormentors take from him God will restore; the third spoke with “noble words;” the fourth, who has seen three brothers die, is himself “near death,” yet he affirms his faith in God’s power to raise him back to life.

The Ar and Environment minist need YOU! Do you like decorating? The Art and Environment Team need your help in decorating the Church and making our Worship Place beautiful and ready for our liturgical celebrations. Any help, big or small, is greatly appreciated! For more information or to sign up, please contact Margaret Haselden at: [email protected] Thank you very much!

Holiday Cards for Our Troops Please help Operation Care & Comfort (OCC) bring some Holiday cheer to our Troops by filling out holiday cards. Which we will pack into our boxes we are preparing on November 13th. You can use/buy your own or stop by the Rectory Office and pick up some. Please return all cards by November 10th. Thank you, OCC Instructions: 1. Please do not seal envelopes. Just tuck in the flap. 2. Please keep your message light and cheerful. 3. Please don’t write about politics, religion or controversial issues. 4. If you wish you can place a mailing label, so if the military person wants to they can reply. If you do get a reply, we ask that you share that with us. 5. Thank you for helping provide some cheer to our military who are spending their holidays away from their love ones. Question: Contact Tim Logan @ 408-896-9764 or email [email protected]

La Escuela De Agradecimiento Todos los Viernes 6:00-8:00 PM Salón Parroquial Informes e Inscripciones: Maritony Reyes (408) 2961246 [email protected] November 6, 2016 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Page 3

THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKET DONATIONS This year, we are collecting food donations on Sunday, November 20 after the 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12 Noon Masses. Sign-ups for donations will be at all Masses on November 12 and 13. Items needed are: CANNED cranberry sauce, Green Beans or Corn,  Fruit Cocktail,  Yams,  Canned/packaged Turkey Gravy,  Frozen Turkeys  $10 Grocery Store Gift Cards or cash/check contributions. 

Saint Lawrence parishioners have always been very generous in this collection and we thank you in advance for your donation this year. We take all donations to Saint Justin’s Parish where Santa Clara residents can receive a Thanksgiving dinner to prepare at their home. People who call Saint Lawrence’s St. Vincent de Paul Society for Thanksgiving baskets are referred to Saint Justin’s Parish. Saint Justin’s is preparing to give over 750 families all the trimmings for their Thanksgiving Meal. If you know a family who could benefit from the gift of a Thanksgiving Meal to cook at their home, please have them call Saint Lawrence St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) at 408-296-3000 or contact Joe Bauer from St. Justin's Parish at 408-296-1193. Estamos por terminar un año de Jubileo Extraordinario que ha tenido como centro la misericordia de Dios. Un tiempo de gracia y riqueza espiritual inimaginable, en donde el papa Francisco -a quien nuestro Señor Jesucristo le entrego las llaves del Reino de los Cielos- lo llamó: “Año Santo de la Misericordia” Un Año en el que se nos llama a la conversión, al arrepentimiento de nuestros pecados, a transformar nuestro corazón. Dándonos a cambio su amor y su misericordia, perdonando no sólo nuestros pecados, sino la culpa de ellos. Abriéndonos el reino de los cielos para que entremos y disfrutemos de su amor infinito. Hoy hacemos una exhortación a todos los fieles Cristianos, para que aprovechemos estas gracias que Dios nos está regalando a través de su Santa Iglesia, en la persona de nuestros Sacerdotes en el sacramento de la reconciliación y la Eucaristia. ¡No tengas miedo! No tengas miedo de postrarte de rodillas ante Dios, y pedirle perdón por todos tus pecados. Pídele perdón por tu frialdad, por las veces que no lo has amado, por las veces que lo has recibido en la sagrada comunión, indignamente; las veces que lo has dejado abandonado en el sagrario; por las veces que has pasado frente a Él, y ni siquiera te has percatado de su presencia. Pídele perdón por las veces que has hablado mal de alguien; por las veces que te aíslas en tu celular y no compartes con tu familia; por dejar abandonados a tus hijos buscando tu realización personal. En fin, haz un examen de conciencia, confiésate y recibe a cambio la misericordia infinita que Dios. El 20 de noviembre termina el Año Santo. ¡No lo desperdicies!, ¡Aprovéchalo! Graba en tu corazón estas palabras que en 1987 nos dejó, quien también fuera nuestro querido papa, San Juan Pablo II: “¡No tengáis miedo! No tengáis miedo de mirarlo a Él! ¡Mirad al Señor! Mirad al Señor con ojos atentos y descubriréis en Él el rostro mismo de Dios. Al contacto de Jesús despunta la vida, lejos de él sólo hay oscuridad y muerte. Vosotros tenéis sed de vida, ¡de vida eterna! ¡Buscad a Cristo! ¡Mirad a Cristo!, ¡Vivid en Cristo!”.

MARC How would you rate your marriage? You are eligible for a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend not because you need it, but because you and your marriage deserve it! It’s a beautiful weekend experience designed for couples of all ages and backgrounds to enrich their marriage. Make this season special by devoting one weekend to your marriage.

The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is November 11-13, 2016 at Vallombrosa Center, Menlo Park.

For more information visit our website at: or contact Ken & Claranne at [email protected] or 408-782-1413.




22555 Cristo Rey Drive

Los Altos, CA 94024 (650) 428-3730

November 6, 2016 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Page 4

Calvary Cemetery 2655 Madden Avenue San Jose, CA 95116 (408) 258-2940 Please call ahead for Pre-Needs or At-Need Arrangements

Please Pray For...

Janet Agonoy Albert Apostol Rob Artery Mohamed Aslam Razon - Barragan Joseph Bonette Diane Byrd Robert Carag Avelina Carrillo Maria Cendejas Socorro Cendejas Al Chiara Kathy Taylor Cimeno Hugh Conroy Phil Donahue Chet O’Donnell James Donnelly Domingo Duarte Jesse Espinosa Isaias Espinoza Carol Frazier Rick Freear Alessandro Gallo Erika Gallo Juanita Garcia Nellie Gonzales Adrienne Gorman Lincoln Groner Gabriela Guillen John Hallett Mikey Hallett Mercedes Hardison Hubert Jansen Marilyn Kirchoff Paul Kolb Stephanie Leung Jubilee Liebich

Julio Linares Our Parishioners, Ann Lizotte Patrick McMahn Friends, and Family Luli Maldonado Josie Mattson Marge Mertzlufft Ricky Muller Mackena Naki Pat Naki Emily Grace Navarra Thanh Nguyen Ernie Ortiz Elizabeth Ostachuk Selva Packiam Rogelio Padilla Hilda Peralta Lina Peralta Rosalie Perez Luchie P. Qugana Arturo Presa Adolfo Ramirez M. Armando & Yolanda Rivera Frank Roddin Yolanda Romero Rose Salamanca Dina Carag Santella Erma Schriver Jonathan Seepersad Mark Sheedy Christian Silveira Nilda Timbs Liza & Emanuel Ugalde Matthew Carag Vakili Lina Velasco Chuck Worley Alma Zamora

Eucharistic Adoration Please note that on Thursday, November 10, 2016 the Adoration

will end at 4:30 PM Thank you!

That Man Is You! Is back for the fall semester Sessions are Saturday Mornings (6:45 AM to 8:15 AM) in the Parish Hall

"St. Lawrence is having a fundraiser to benefit our High School Confirmation Program! Come and enjoy a meal and drink at the Sunnyvale Sweet Tomatoes any time on Wednesday, November 16th and 30% of the proceeds will go towards retreat scholarships for our Candidates and Leaders. Please present the following flyer at the time of purchase."

Ven y fortalece tu fe y tu familia Noviembre 15 La sabiduría de Dios en la naturaleza humana (hombre y mujer para dar vida) Dolores Moreno Diciembre 13 En la espera, la familia y el adviento Lupita Vital Enero 17 La familia y los medios de comunicación P. Steven Kim Febrero 14 La familia, mejor escuela Hna. Graciela Ramos, MESST Marzo 14 La familia, esperanza del futuro - P. Joe Kim Mayo 2 La familia, si no se alimenta muere Hna. Gisela Enríquez, MESST

Aquí en nuestra Parroquia de 7:00pm-8:45pm November 6, 2016 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Page 5

November 6 to 13, 2016 Cycle C

Now On Its

6th YEAR!

Luck of St. Lawrence is back! Tickets Are Available at the Parish Office You can be The next Lucky winner

for the

Congratulations to Bret Van de Sande who won $200 on October 31, 2016 The next drawing will be on November 24, 2016 for a $500 prize _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Remember that each ticket you buy now gives you 8 chances to win.  Please return your sold ticket stubs with payment to the Parish Office since the sooner you turn in your sold tickets, the more chances you have to win the prizes money.

Deadline: Tickets must be returned to the Parish Office on November 22, 2016 before 4:00 PM for the drawing on November 24, 2016.

November 6, 2016 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Page 6

Pancake Breakfast Sponsored by The Knights of Columbus

Sunday, November 13, 2016 After the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Masses in the Parish Hall MENU : 3 Pancakes - 2 Sausages Scrambled eggs - Coffee Tea - Milk

Just $ 5.00/Children under 4 FREE Your pancake breakfast donation helps us support the following charities:  Saint Lawrence the Martyr Parish  Boy Scout Programs and Parents Helping Parents  Orphan Homes in Germany, Israel, India and Mexico

Thank you very much! November 6, 2016 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Page 7

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