Our Lady of Guadalupe Church A Jesuit Parish

February 15, 2015 Our Lady of Guadalupe Church A Jesuit Parish 1770 Kearney Avenue San Diego CA 92113 www.olgsd.org 619-233-3838 Fax 619-233-3252 H

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Our Lady of Guadalupe Church A Jesuit Parish
August 2, 2015 Our Lady of Guadalupe Church A Jesuit Parish 1770 Kearney Avenue San Diego CA 92113 www.olgsd.org 619-233-3838 Fax 619-233-3252 Hora

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church A Jesuit Parish
November 15, 2015 Our Lady of Guadalupe Church A Jesuit Parish 1770 Kearney Avenue San Diego CA 92113 www.olgsd.org 619-233-3838 Fax 619-233-3252 H

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church A Jesuit Parish
November 1, 2015 Our Lady of Guadalupe Church A Jesuit Parish 1770 Kearney Avenue San Diego CA 92113 www.olgsd.org 619-233-3838 Fax 619-233-3252 Ho

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
CLERGY Pastor Rev. Joseph Kim, OFM Conv. Associate Rev. Carlos Morales OFM Conv. Deacon Rev. Mr. Scott Palmer Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Friars

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church A Jesuit Parish 1770 Kearney Avenue San Diego, CA 92113 Phone: 619-233-3838 Fax: 619-233-3252 www.olgsd.org Confession

OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE PARISH & CHRIST THE KING CHAPEL Reverend Lucio Villalobos, MSpS Pastor Reverend Guillermo FLores, MSpS Associate Reverend

OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH 15444 Nordhoff Street, N. Hills, Ca 91343 Phone: 818-894-1176 Administrator Rev. Mike Perucho Associate Pastor Rev. William

OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH Rev. Mike Perucho - Pastor Ext. 202 [email protected] Rev. William A. Gil - Associate Pastor Ext. 203 [email protected] F

Story Transcript

February 15, 2015

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church A Jesuit Parish 1770 Kearney Avenue San Diego CA 92113 www.olgsd.org 619-233-3838

Fax 619-233-3252

Hora Santa

Holy Hour

Los viernes de 8-9PM


Unción de los Enfermos

Sacrament of the Sick

Llame a la oficina cuando sea necesario.

Please call the office when necessary.

Confesiones Lunes, miércoles, jueves, viernes y sábado 5:45PM—6:45PM Viernes 7:00—7:45AM o llame para cita.


Confessions Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 5:45PM-6:45PM Friday 7:00AM —7:45AM or by appointment.

Horario de Oficina Lunes-Viernes Sábado: Domingo: Monthly Triduum in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe: the 10th, 11th and 12th of every month, before and after the 7:00PM Mass. Aliangan

Triduo Mensual en Honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe: los días 10, 11, y 12 de cada mes,


Interested in becoming a Catholic? Are you an adult who still needs some sacraments? Please call Hilda Tapia for more information.

Le gustaría ser Católico? ¿Eres adulto y te faltan sacramentos? Favor de hablar con Hilda Tapia para informes. (619) 233-3838, ext. 217

10:30AM en español 12:15PM Bilingual 5:00PM en español 7:00PM en español

6:30AM en español 7:30AM en español 9:00AM in English MISA DIARIA—DAILY MASS

8:00AM y 7:00PM (Both in Spanish - Ambas en español)

Page 2

Welcome to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.

6 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Todo lo que hagan ustedes, sea comer, o beber, o cualquier otra cosa, háganlo todo para gloria de Dios. - 1 Corintios 10:31

- 1 Corinthians 10:31

“Capirotada” Annual Catholic Appeal Today is one of my favorite days at the parish because today is the day that we ask people to consider helping the incredible ministries of the Diocese of San Diego. It’s not that I like asking for money, but, when the money we raise here at Guadalupe is added to the money raised throughout the Diocese, the great work of God extends into the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, Catholic and nonCatholic alike. The little sacrifices we make in helping this Appeal financially help the words of Jesus about mercy, compassion and faith live and breathe in 21st century Southern California

Lent Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday so make your plans for receiving your ashes. And be sure to take home a letter from the parish outlining the various events, retreats, days of prayer, etc. that will occur this Lent and Holy Week. Make this a Lent unlike any other for yourself and for God!

February 15, 2015


“Capirotada” El Llamado Católico Anual Hoy es uno de mis días preferidos en la parroquia porque hoy es el día en que le pedimos a la gente que consideren que recaudemos aquí en Guadalupe se añade al dinero recaudado en toda la diócesis, la gran obra de Dios se extiende a las vidas de cientos de miles de personas, católicas y pequeños sacrificios que hacemos para ayudar a este llamado de ayudar financieramente a las palabras de Jesús sobre la misericordia, la compasión y la fe se vive y se respira en el siglo 21 del Sur de California. Por favor, tome parte en esta hermosa obra de Dios.

La Cuaresma El Miércoles de Ceniza es este miércoles así planee en venir a recibir sus cenizas. Y asegúrese llevar una carta de la parroquia que incluye los varios eventos, retiros, días de oración, etc. que sucederán esta Cuaresma y Semana Santa.

I Give Up! I give up! There is too much happening in the parish and all of it is so good that I am making more and more announcements at the end of Mass. I can’t stop myself from promoting these important events. But I think I need to find another way to do this because the announcements are getting pretty long. Do you have any suggestions how we can both promote the events with the enthusiasm that they deserve and not lengthen Mass too much? Please let me know!

¡Me Rindo! ¡Me doy por vencido! La parroquia ofrece tanto y todo es tan bueno que estoy dando más y más anuncios en misa. No puedo dejar de promover estos importantísimos eventos. Creo que necesito encontrar otra manera de hacerlo porque los anuncios resultan largos. ¿Usted tiene sugerencias de como podemos promover los eventos con el entusiasmo que se merecen sin alargar la Misa demasiado? ¡Por favor avíseme!

75 Years of Jesuit History at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church From Fr. Rasura’s historical notes on the Parish of Guadalupe for the year 1979: (Listing the sacramental ministry of the parish in 1979), we begin with the smallest of our people, the babies. We baptized 845: it doesn’t mean that the birthrate is up. Nor does it mean we are a majority. But it does mean that soon the Latins will be the greater part of California population. Also shows, and not bragging, that the priests of Guadalupe are drawing practically all the Latins from other parishes. Because we have more baptisms than all the others put together. At least from what we have seen in a list that was published one time. 75 Años de Historia Jesuita en Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe De los apuntes históricos del Padre Rasura sobre la Parroquia de Guadalupe en el año 1979: (Lista del ministerio sacramental de la parroquia en 1979), comenzamos con los más pequeños, los bebés. Bautizamos a 845: esto no significa que la tasa de natalidad ha subido. Tampoco significa que somos una mayoría. Pero sí quiere decir que dentro de poco los Latinos serán la mayor parte de la población de California. También muestra, y no por presumir, que los sacerdotes de Guadalupe están atrayendo prácticamente a todos los latinos de otras parroquias. Porque tenemos más bautismos que todas las demás juntas. Al menos por lo que hemos visto en una lista que se ha publicado.

Page 4

Welcome to Our Lady of Guadalupe

¿Quién debe AYUNAR y ABSTENER?

Servicios para el Miércoles de Ceniza 18 de febrero Mass:

Misa: 6:30AM 8:00AM 5:00PM 7:00PM


Habrá dist ibución de Cenizas cada hora en la iglesia. Dist ibution of Ashes ever hour in the church. Si le gustaría ayudar a distribuir cenizas o servir de otra forma, favor de apuntarse en la Mesa de Bienvenida o con Evangely al 619-233-3838 X219 o [email protected] The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, February 16th in honor of Presidents Day. There will only be one Mass at 8:00AM.

La Oficina Parroquial cerrará el lunes, 16 de febrero en honor al Día de los Presidentes. Habrá una sóla Misa a las 8:00AM. MI TARJETA DE MISA — Feb. 15, 2015 — MY MASS CARD

NIÑO/A: Completa esto y entrega a tu catequista o padre. CHILD: Complete this and give to your catechist or parent.

Asistí a Misa de

With Father

La Primera Lectura se trata de

The First Reading was about

El mensaje del Padre fue

The Priest’s message was

Abstinencia: La ley de abstinencia exige a un Católico de 14 años de edad y hasta su muerte, a abstenerse de comer carne los viernes en honor a la Pasión de Jesús. La carne es considerada carne y órganos de mamíferos y aves de corral. También se encuentran prohibidas las sopas y cremas de ellos. Peces de mar y de agua dulce, anfibios, reptiles y mariscos son permitidos, así como productos derivados de animales como margarina y gelatina sin sabor

REUNIONES SEMANALES (para mayor informes visite: www.olgsd.org)

El Grupo de Matrimonios - los lunes de 6:30PM a 8:30PM en el salón parroquial ANSPAC—Te

ofrece temas de valores que los martes de 10AM a 12PM.

Fe en Acción—los miércoles a las 6:00 pm en Casa Loyola o los jueves a las 8:30 am en el Salón Tepeyac. Conociendo la Biblia— los jueves de 7:15 a 9pm en Salón Tepeyac. Cuidado de niños GRATUITO en las misas de 9AM y 10:30AM. Antes de Misa, lleven a sus niños de 3 a 6 años al Salón Bertha Olivas de la escuela.


Con el Padre

Ayuno: La ley de ayuno requiere que el Católico desde los 18 hasta los 59 años reduzca la cantidad de comida usual. La Iglesia define esto como una comida más dos comidas pequeñas que sumadas no sobrepasen la comida principal en cantidad. Este ayuno es obligatorio el Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo.



I attended Mass at

February 15, 2015



La Sociedad Miguel Agustín Pro está en la oficina parroquial para ayudar a nuestros feligreses que estén pasando por momentos difíciles. Estaremos aceptando solicitudes los lunes y miercoles a partir de las 5:00 pm. "La Divina Providencia nos invita a ejercer nuestra fe, esperanza y caridad."

GRUPOS PEQUEÑOS CUARESMALES Reunión de encargados de grupo el domingo, 15 de febrero a las 2:00PM en el Salón Parroquial.

Page 5

Welcome to Our Lady of Guadalupe

“A Celebration Honoring Fr. Brown” Gala Join us March 13, 2015 starting at 6:00PM at the Jacobs Center. Dinner, mariachi, ballet folclórico, auctions, old friends, dancing and...Fr. Brown! Tickets, available at parish office, are $75. Proceeds to the Fr. Richard H. Brown Scholarship.

Who should be FASTING and ABSTAINING ? Fasting: The law of fasting requires that Catholics, ages 18 to 59, reduce the amount of usual food. The Church defines this as a meal and two smaller meals which combined do not exceed the main meal in quantity. This fasting is obligatory on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Abstinence: The law of abstinence requires a Catholic, from the age of 14 years until his death, to abstain from meat on Fridays in honor of the Passion of Jesus. Meat is considered the meat and organs of mammals and poultry. Soups and creams made from these are also prohibited. Sea and freshwater fish, amphibians, reptiles and shellfish are permitted, as well as products derived from animals such as margarine and jelly without the taste of meat.

February 15, 2015

Una Gala: “Una Celebración Honrando a P. Brown” Acompáñennos el 13 de marzo a partir de las 6:00PM en el Centro Jacobs. Habrá cena, baile, mariachi, balet folclórico, subastas, viejos amigos...y ¡el Padre Brown! Los boletos, disponibles en la oficina, son de $75. Beneficio a la Beca del P. Brown.

FREE Child Care during the 9:00AM & 10:30AM Mass. Drop off your 3 to 6 years olds before Our Lady of Guadalupe Bookstore We carry books and gifts for Baptisms, First Communions, Weddings, etc. Please stop by and we don’t have something you’d like, let us know. Join the Book Club on March 2nd at 7:00 PM to discuss Long Loneliness by Dorothy Day. This book is available in our bookstore. The Miguel Augustin Pro Society will be at the parish office to help our parishioners that are going through a difficult time. We will be taking applications Mondays and Wednesdays starting at 5:00 pm. "Divine Providence invites us to exercise our faith, hope, and charity" (#59 SVDP Manual).

GIVERS ON THE GO: Please use this URL, includes smart phones (Android, iPhone), tablets, etc: http://is.gd/givetoolgsd INTENCIONES del 16 — 21 febrero Jueves 19 Lunes 16 8:00 † Eladia Nava de parte de su hija 8:00 † María Esther Cecilio 17º Aniversario Fluctuoso de parte de Eladia Tepetzi 7:00 Alexander Samaniego por su salud 7:00 † No habrá misa Viernes 20 Martes 17 8:00 † Juan Hernández 8:00 Por las Benditas Ánimas de parte de 2:30 XV Ángela Manuela Barrientos Guadalupe Pérez 7:00 † Feliz García 3er Aniversario † Ann 7:00 † Pablo Sánchez 2º Aniversario y Rebeca Noriega † María García por su † Jorge Granillo 8º Aniversario eterno descanso de parte de sus familiares de parte de sus hijos Sábado 21 Miércoles 18 8:00 † Augencio Olivas de parte de su esposa e hijos 8:00 María Martínez y Gonzalo Martínez por su salud 12:00 Jesús González y Angélica Valderrama 7:00 † Andrés Carrasco de parte de la familia 1:30 XV Fernanda Lara 3:00 XV Mireya Solano Espinoza

21 y 22 de febrero Sábado 21 7:00 PM

P. Pedro

Domingo 22 6:30 AM

P. Brown

7:30 AM

P. Pepe

9:00 AM

P. John


P. Juan


P. Pepe


P. Pedro


P. Juan

Page 3

Welcome to Our Lady of Guadalupe

February 15, 2015

Visiten la Mesa de Hospitalidad para disfrutar de un cafecito mientras convive unos minutos con otros feligreses. Visit the Hospitality Table to enjoy a coffee and visit with fellow parishioners.


The 17th Annual Put on your Roaring 20’s garb and join us on February 21st starting at 6pm at Our Lady of Angels’ Parish Hall, dinner/ dance is $15. Also, get your $100 ticket for a chance to win the $10,000! Is $100 too much for you? Get a few friends/family to split the ticket with you. All proceeds go to Our Lady’s School. Get your dinner or raffle tickets from the Welcome Table, parish office or call the school at (619) 233-8888. La Cruz Roja está aquí hoy aceptando donaciones de sangre. ¡Gracias a todos nuestros donantes! ¿No se apuntó pero aún desea donar? Pase por el automóvil.

The Red Cross is here today taking blood donations. Thanks to all our donors! Didn’t sign up but would like to donate? Go to the blood mobile.

Weekly Bible Study

We are now in our 3rd quarter of the school year. Time seems to be going quickly! This quarter, we have many activities that are open to all students, families and parishioners. We hope you keep these dates open and join us for some great experiences. February 21st — Big Deal Dinner and Auction You may purchase a raffle ticket for $100.00. Winner receives $10,000.00 Also, many baskets will be auctioned off. Our theme this year is "Roaring Twenties!" The cost of dinner will be $15.00 February 26th — School Science Fair (grades 4-8) This will take place at Our Lady of Angels Hall starting at 6:00 p.m. Come and visit our wonderful young scientists as they show us their experiments. April 23rd — Choir Festival Our Lady's School will join with other schools in our cluster to present an evening of music. It will take place at Mater Dei Theater. The show starts at 6:00 p.m. Listen with us, as we offer our voices in praise to God. April 29th — Our Lady's School Art Festival We are artists in our own right. Each grade has studied a famous artist. They have learned about their lives, their style of art and have come to appreciate the art. Now, they have duplicated works from these artists. It takes place at school. All grades are involved. We hope, once again, you will attend and see all of the great things happening at OLS School. Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Lady’s School Fundraiser ! Donate $1, or more, for Sunday Paper.

Young Adult Mass

EVERY SUNDAY from 6-7pm we have a weekly Bible Study in Casa Loyola. Come and grow in your faith with other young adults through weekly conversations about the Gospel, personal refletions and its application to our lives.

Please join us at the Young Adult Mass, EVERY SUNDAY at 7:00PM! Come sit with us in the left side, 10th row. Join us in the celebration of the mass and to meet the other Young Adult members!

¡La Escuela Recauda Fondos! Done $1, o más, por un periódico dominical.

Sígannos por las redes sociales: facebook.com/olgsd.org



Si desea hacer su contribución semanal electrónicamente y automáticamente, semana tras semana, visite nuestro sitio de internet, www.olgsd.org, y haga clic en “Donate Now”.

Youth Ministry: This ministry is for high school youth; we do have special gatherings for junior high youth. You do not need to register to join our meetings—just show up!. We have many fun, upcoming events!

February 15th — Acts 2:42 @ 11am — Welcome ALL youth! February 15th— Youth Sunday @ 9am or 12:15pm Mass February 18th — No Youth Nite! It’s Ash Wednesday, go to Mass! February 21st— Feed the Hungry from 9am—11:30am For questions, more info contact: Marcial at (619) 269-7199 or

Get in touch


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