Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Sacred Heart Catholic Church A Roman Catholic Christian Community of Faith and Worship ALL Are Welcome September 6th, 2015 23th Sunday in Ordinary

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 12704 Foothill Blvd., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739-9795 Website (909) 899-1049 + Fax (909) 899-3229

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
September 04, 2016 Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Catholic Church Catholic Church ______________________________________________________________________

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 September 4, 2016 Pastor Fr. J. Patrick Walker Associate Pastor Fr. Luis Cordeiro Fr.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 September 11, 2016 Pastor Fr. J. Patrick Walker Associate Pastor Fr. Luis Cordeiro Fr.

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Community entrusted to the Institute of the Incarnate Word Comunidad confiada al Instituto del Verbo Encarnad

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Community entrusted to the Institute of the Incarnate Word Comunidad confiada al Instituto del Verbo Encarna

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Community entrusted to the Institute of the Incarnate Word Comunidad confiada al Instituto del Verbo Encarna

Story Transcript

Sacred Heart Catholic Church A Roman Catholic Christian Community of Faith and Worship

ALL Are Welcome

September 6th, 2015

23th Sunday in Ordinary Time

344 W. Workman St., Covina 91723 + (626) 332-3570 + Parish Center Office Hours Mon-Fri 9am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 8:30pm Sat 9am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm Sun 8am-3:30pm Emergency Sick Calls Anytime

PARISH PRIESTS: REV. WILLIAM T. EASTERLING , V.F., Pastor REV. BRIAN CAVANAGH Pastor Emer itus REV. ARTHUR NAJERA, Associate REV. JAMES KELLY, Associate Deacon Couples: DCN. JOHN & MRS. JEANNE HORN DCN. RON & MRS. CAROL BUTLER DCN. RUDY & MRS. MONIQUE LEYVA Read the bulletin online at St. Vincent de Paul - (626)339-7580

Mass Schedule Weekdays: 8:15 am and 5:30 pm Additional 10:30 am Mass on First Fridays during school year Saturdays: 8:15am & 5:30 pm, Sundays: 6:15am, 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm (Spanish) & 5:30pm Youth Holyday Mass Schedule: Var ies: Please consult the proper bulletin article. Government Holidays: Offices Closed. 9:30am only Mass of the day. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:15pm to 5:15pm & 8:00pm to 8:30pm Ministerio en Español: Padre Bill & Padre Arturo

PAGE 2 Parish Center & Parish Offices 626 332-3570 Business Manager Pearl Nacey 332-3570 Pastoral Council Kathy Prouty 967-1247 Finance Committee Pat Barber 332-3570 Pastoral Aide Deacon Ron Butler 347-7673 Bulletin Editor Natalie Quiros 332-3570 Bulletin articles, send to:

[email protected]

Parish School April Luchonok, Principal


Parish Departments & Ministry of: Education - Parish School 332-7222 Principal April Luchonok Director Cindy Boulais Elementary & Junior High Formation


MISSION STATEMENT: Loving People Discovering Hope Following Jesus Living Eucharist

For Mass times throughout the United States, Visit SACRAMENTS/DEVOTIONS Baptisms: Every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month. Mandatory Baptism Preparation Class first Thursday of every month. Deadline to register is two weeks prior to the class. Please contact the Parish Center for further information.

Youth & Young Adult Formation Director Dayrin Perez High School Confirmation & Youth Group Young Adult Ministry


Marriages: Congratulations! Please contact the Parish Center to meet with a priest or deacon at least six months prior to the intended date of marriage.

Worship Coordinator


Priesthood & Religious Life: Young men and women interested in becoming a priest or a religious sister, or deacon, please call Father Art at (626)332-3570.

Adult Formation 332-3570 Coordinators Deacon John Horn & Jeanne Horn RCIA, Adult Confirmation, Converts, Bible Study

Anointing of the Sick: If you or someone you know needs a visit because they have become seriously ill, call the Parish Center at any time.

Deacon Rudy Leyva

Pastoral Care Coordinator

Deacon Ron Butler

Administration Business Manager

Pearl Nacey

Liturgical Ministries

347-7673 332-3570

Altar Servers Frank Reynoso 332-3570 Ministers of the Altar Madgy Chalmers 332-3570 Ministers to the Sick Leo & Merly Inguito 332-3570 Lectors Ron Arcieniega 332-3570 Director Of Music Pat Flahive 332-3570 Liturgy Committee Deacon Rudy Leyva 332-3570 Liturgical Environment Ed & Carmen Aniceto 818-640-2960 Usher Coordinator Jess Chacon 332-3570 Altar Care Joan Mauch 332-3570 Service and Outreach Ministries Bereavement Kathy Prouty 967-1247 Boy Scouts Miguel Rojano 310-310-5860 Catholic Mens Fellowship Gus Corona 641-9714 Council of Cath. Women Dee Mclaughlin 962-3115 Cub Scouts Nick Hernandez 201-3521 Filipino Association Virgil Mendoza 915-5898 Girl Scouts 332-3570 Health Louise Morrison 332-3570 Knights of Columbus John Petersen 814-9915 Legion Of Mary Rose Alvarado 332-3570 Respect Life John Peterson 814-9915 Rosary Makers Juana Gomez 332-3570 St. Vincent de Paul Abner Haydel 339-7580

Anointing Every 1st Saturday of the Month: Please participate in the 8:15am Mass, the Sacrament will be celebrated immediately after Mass. Sacrament of Adult Initiation: If you are an adult interested in joining the Catholic Church or completing your sacraments, call the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) coordinators, Deacon John & Mrs. Jeanne Horn, at (626) 339-0136. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:15 to 5:15pm and 8 to 8:30pm; or by appointment. Devotions: Mother of Perpetual Help—Tuesdays at 5:30pm Mass. Rosary recited after the daily Masses. Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday of the month starting at 9:00am concluding with Benediction at 5:15pm. PARISH REGISTRATION NAME: ________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ PHONE #: ______________________________________ ___ I AM A NEW PARISHIONER ___ THIS IS A CHANGE OF ADDRESS


Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 6, 2015 Did not God choose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs to the kingdom? — James 2:5 Please pray for those who are sick, and their families, that they will feel God’s presence and know his love, especially: Maria Harrelson, Albert Karam, Josefine Marsala, Olivia Detar, Elisa Gable, Rosario Barrios, Nelson Reyes, Katie Hughes, Erin Allen, Jane Briggs, Donald Caballero, Gloria Almaraz, Eduardo G. De Leon, Virginio B Martinez, Sonia Stevenson, Yvonne DaGraca, Joseph Martinez, Diana Martinez, Lupe Labrada, Flora Buscaig, Leonica Cruz, Jody Ochoa, Corrine Klutz, Rita Clark, Claire Rodriguez, Arlene Froio, Gloria De Prima, Carroll Bourgeois, Phyllis Hatch, Michael Young, Lucille Valenzuela, Nancy Mares, Jorge Gomez, Albert Mares, Jorge Carrazco III, Gary & Dolores Gagner, Fred Easterling, Paula Easterling. Please pray for those who have special needs, and their families, that they will feel God’s presence and know his love, especially: Maria-Itzel Siegrist, Maegan Carmona, Lucy, Bobby, & Maya Dueñas, Cindall Green , Dean Green, Matthew Green, Leiani Green.

Banns of Marriage Please pray for the following members of our community as they prepare for Marriage. Damaris Orozco & Ronald Albana Caroline Mays & Brian Cazeneuve Cinthya Arrieta & Luis Gonzales Please Pray for: Gilbert Cervantes & Rene Recio Their funeral masses were held at Sacred Heart. May they rest in the peace of the Lord.

Photo on Today’s Cover A photo of Pueri Cantores San Gabriel Valley assembled to sing favorite Broadway and Hollywood Film music in the Sacred Heart School auditorium last May. STEWARDSHIP August 23rd, 2015 19,501.70 “Bring the Tithes into the treasure...Put me to the proof, says the Lord of Hosts, and see if I do not open windows in the sky and pour a blessing on you as long as there is need.” - Malachi 3:10 PRAYER FOR PARISH PRIESTS A rosary is being said each week in the Parish Center Chapel on Thursdays, at 9:15 AM, for the benefit of our Parish Priests. Please be part of providing this support for all they do. Everyone is welcome to come and participate.

Eucharistic Adoration Every first Friday of the month Sacred Heart Parish has Eucharistic Adoration following the 8:15 mass and continuing until the 5:30pm mass. Canon Law 942 specifically states: “that this kind of exposition is to be held only if a suitable gathering of the faithful is foreseen and the established norms are observed.” Deacon Ron has agreed to maintain this signup posting and place it in a suitable place. For further information contact him at 626-347-7673 On Sunday Sept. 6th: Blood pressure screenings will be done after the morning masses in Cavanagh Hall.

Bulletin Announcement Deadline

All announcements for the bulletin must be submitted no later than noon on Tuesday. Announcements may be dropped off to the Parish Center, faxed to (626) 967-4884 or emailed to [email protected]. All announcements are subject to approval and space permitting for publishing.

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This upcoming Monday, Sept.7th, is Labor Day. Therefore, the Parish Center will be closed and there will only be one mass at 9:30am. Thank you for your understanding.


News from the Pastor...

Sept. 15th Town Hall Meeting: PERPETUAL ADORATION Crying Room Conversion to Eucharistic Chapel Come Let Us Adore Him Join us for a Town Hall meeting with our Pastor, Father Bill, on Tuesday, Sept. 15th in Cavanagh Hall, at 7:30pm to 8:30pm to discuss and share on ideas for a permanent Perpetual Adoration Chapel. All views and opinions are welcome. One of the most beautiful, powerful, exciting, and awesome aspects of our Catholic-Christian faith is our cherished believe in the EUCHARIST, that it is truly the Body & Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. An ancient tradition is to be in the presence of the EUCHARIST, that is to be in the real presence of Our Lord, to adore Him in a spirit of thanksgiving and love. We are thankful to God for all that He has given us, and in that thankfulness we may also express our prayers and petitions for special needs within our family, friends, nation and world. A Perpetual Adoration Chapel is available for prayer 24 hours a day – every day of the year! Adoration is also a profound prayer of love. We adore the Lord. We look at the host displayed in a monstrance for viewing, and we adore, we love and we feel His love for us. We are thankful for God’s unconditional love for us and thus we cannot help but to adore Him. We have a perfect place for a PERPETUAL ADORATION chapel. Some remodeling and special preparation of the outside entrance must be done first. The proposal is to convert the current crying room into this chapel. The outside entrance would be reconfigured to include a ramp and a door with a touch-pad combination lock (given to any registered parishioner). This entrance would be along the rose garden, under the chapel’s stain glass windows. Part of the remodeling would include a wall and secondary door to provide a passage way to the sanctuary; seating would have to be turned to face the west wall (away from the altar) so that people would be able to enter without walking in front of the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance (the Tabernacle would not be moved as a monstrance will be used). A special grill would protect the monstrance and Blessed Sacrament within.

The Central San Gabriel District of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women will have its luncheon and District Meeting on Monday, September 28, 2015. It will be held in Cavanagh Hall at Sacred Heart Church, Covina. The day will begin at 9 a.m. It includes a continental breakfast, speaker Fr. Eugene Lee, Mass, and a lunch catered by “Ribs to Spare”. Meering concludes at 1:30 p.m. Cost for the Lunch is $15 prepaid. Please make checks payable to Sacred Heart CCW and mail to: Corina Hiel—18319 Bellbrook St. Covina, CA 91722. For info, call Corina 626)966-2639. All Catholic women are automatically members of the ACCW.

MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER COUPLES ENGAGED ENCOUTNER COUPLES If You Have Been a Part of These Programs, We Need You !!! If you have been a part of MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER or a part of ENGAGED ENCOUNTER I would like to meet with you to discuss helping our couples here prepare for marriage, especially in the area of Natural Family Planning (NFP). I would also like to take this opportunity to discuss with you how we can support in our parish, newly married couples and young families, to live to the fullest Marriage and Family Life. Please join me for a meeting: Parish Center + Sister’s Chapel Monday, Sept. 14, 2015 7:15pm to 8:30pm To assist me in preparing for our meeting I please call Pearl at the Parish Center to RSVP. Thank you very much. I look forward to seeing you soon. Father Bill + Pastor

Holy Thursday Morning Schedule Change After discussion with our clergy, pastoral staff and lay leaders, I have approved a change in our Holy Thursday schedule beginning in 2016 and for the years to follow. Starting this coming Holy Week there will be no 8:15am Mass on Holy Thursday. The only Mass of the day will be the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:30pm. This change brings our parish in line with both Church law and with authentic tradition. The truth is that traditionally there is only ONE Mass on Holy Thursday. And the fact of the matter is that in the official Roman Missal, there is no morning Mass for Holy Thursday, only the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper. There are no prayers and no Scripture for any kind of a morning Mass on Holy Thursday. For some years we have had a morning Mass on Holy Thursday either using the Mass of Wednesday (the day before) or by shortening the evening Mass of Holy Thursday. However, the instructions and liturgical law of the Church make it clear that the only Mass of Holy Thursday is to be celebrated in the evening. This may sound very strange and a little difficult to accept. However the holiest week of the year is Holy Week and it begins with a one-of-a-kind (only once a year) Mass on Palm Sunday. It is very special, very different to mark the beginning of this most special and most holy week of the year. The holiest days of the year are called the TRIDUUM and are: Holy Thursday + Good Friday + Easter Vigil Holy Saturday night. The liturgy each of these days is entirely different than any other day of the year. They are not ordinary days, there is nothing typical about them and therefore they must be celebrated in the most special and most appropriate ways possible. A unique liturgy for each day, nothing like it the rest of the year because no other day is anything like it. A very important part of the uniqueness of the specialness is that on Holy Thursday the only Mass of the day is the “Mass of the Lord’s Supper” celebrated that evening. Father Bill, Pastor


Religious Ed/ Youth Ministry News :

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS: Early Childhood registration for ages 3 through 5, will take place outside of Cavanagh Hall after the 9:00 am & 10:30 am Masses on September 13th and September 27th. Early Childhood Faith Formation is the process by which young children come to know God and is based on developing the child’s awareness of God relevant to the developmental level of the young child. Faith formation has its beginning in early childhood, and is on-going throughout the child’s life, as learning about God is a continuous process. Classes will be held on Sundays at 10:30 am in the School. If by chance you are unable to register during these times, or if you would like to volunteer to help in any way, or have any questions, please call the Religious Education Office at 626-331-7914.

The Sacred Heart Youth Ministry Programs are gearing up for the start of a new year! Please keep the teams and the young people in your prayers as we embark on a journey of faith! KEEP IN MIND THE UPCOMING EVENTS: ♦

One8 Confirmation Year 1 Parent/Student Orientation —Tuesday, September 22 at Cavanagh Hall 7:00-9:00 p.m. One8 Confirmation Year 2 Parent/Student Orientation —Tuesday, September 29 at Cavanagh Hall 7:00-9:00 p.m. Life Teen Kick Off: ILLUMINATE: —Sunday, September 27 at Cavanagh Hall 7:00-8:30 p.m. Open to all High School students (9-12th grade) Join us for a night of fellowship! FIND US ONLINE

For calendars, event information, & reminders Please follow us online!

@sacredheartlt @sacredheartlt13

PAGE 6 Readings for the Week...

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not! Here is your God (Isaiah 35:4-7a). Psalm — Praise the Lord, my soul! (Psalm 146). Second Reading — Show no partiality as you adhere to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ (James 2:1-5). Gospel — Jesus makes the deaf hear and the mute speak (Mark 7:31-37).

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Col 1:24 — 2:3; Ps 62:6-7, 9; Lk 6:6-11, or, for Labor Day, any readings from the Mass “For the Blessing of Human Labor,” nos. 907-911 Tuesday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6 Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23] Wednesday: Col 3:1-11; Ps 145:2-3, 10-13ab; Lk 6:20-26 Thursday: Col 3:12-17; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 6:27-38 Friday: 1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-8, 11; Lk 6:39-42 Saturday: 1 Tm 1:15-17; Ps 113:1b-7; Lk 6:43-49 Sunday: Is 50:5-9a; Ps 116:1-6, 8-9; Jas 2:14-18; Mk 8:27-35

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Labor Day Tuesday: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Wednesday: St. Peter Claver Friday: Patriot Day Saturday: The Most Holy Name of Mary; Blessed Virgin Mary

FEAR NOT In these times, there is plenty to be afraid of, if we only look around. It seems that every day the news media have yet more bad news to tell: wars, disease, terrorism, drought, social unrest, and more. Some people have stopped using clock radios to wake up in the morning, preferring a jarring buzzer to the even more jarring morning news. What more do we need before we realize that we are finite creatures, and while there is much we can do to make our world better, ultimately there is a lot that is simply not within our grasp? To this our loving God says, “Be strong, fear not!” We must do what we can to make our world a better and safer place, but we must also realize our limits and that our ultimate safety is in the hands of God. We can be comforted by the realization that God loves us beyond measure, and will give us every help in our efforts to make our world a loving and safe place for everyone. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Orthodox Christians have a saying about the reality of sin. They speak of “this holy and sinful Church, which we love.” We know all too well the effects of sin on the faith community. From our earliest days, we have seen baptism as a place where the old self dies in Christ, dies to sin, and rises to new life. Our ancestors in faith held that post baptismal major sin was unthinkable. Yet, as one Baptist minister once explained, “We know that sin is drowned in the water, but it would appear that the devil is a pretty good swimmer.” The origins of the sacrament of penance have to do with a similar insight among bishops in the early church. A critical question for them was whether or not a baptized person who had committed a public sin could be re established in church life, forgiven, and restored. Forgiven, yes, was an early answer, but restored was another matter. Penance would be a permanent lifestyle for the forgiven; they would live at the margins of the community, clearly visible in distinctive garments, and their access to the table of the Eucharist was restricted. The harsh beginnings of public penance led in time to a true treasure of our tradition: the ability to find our way home through the ministry of others, and a way for all of us sinners to experience the gentle embrace of our forgiving Lord. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

PAGE 7 Parish Events & News...

Sister Joanne Gibbons, CSJ - Passes We regret to announce the passing of Sister Joanne Gibbons on August 29th. Sister working along with Sister Lynn Roebert served are parish school as “Co-Principals” from 1986 to 1998. After retirement, both volunteered as catechists in our Religious Education program; and as volunteers at Citrus Valley Hospice and at City of Hope in Duarte. In January 2011 she returned to her motherhouse in Nazareth, Michigan. Sister Joanne was 85 years old and 68 years a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Nazareth. Her rosary & vigil were Sept. 1st with funeral Mass on Sept. 2nd. Services plus burial were at the motherhouse. Sister Joanne suffered recently with cancer, in particular a brain tumor. Writing to friends here we know that she accepted the reality of her illness and eventual passing with great grace, unquestioned faith and true love for the Lord Jesus Christ. She surrendered herself to the Father, Son & Holy Spirit under the loving guidance and support of the Virgin Mary and that of her religious community. Have You Remembered Sacred Heart Catholic Church or Sacred Heart School in your WILL or TRUST? For information, please contact the Planned Giving Office (213) 637-7504 / [email protected]

Starting Sept. 12th & 13th

Second Collection to Follow First Collection Will Follow Immediately After First Starting with our Facilities Fund Second Collection on the weekend of Sept. 12th & 13th --- whenever we have a second collection it will then be taken up immediately after the first collection. This will allow for a more prayerful time after communion. Your personal reflection and silent prayer will no longer be interrupted by a second collection. The second collections are very important as they support different charities and programs serving the poor, elderly, sick and needy children along with helping victims of natural disasters. They help people in need here at home and around the world. We thank you for your generous support of these critical needs and pray you will continue to be generous. At the same time we want to encourage and support your prayer after communion. PROCEDURE The first collection will be taken up as usual and placed by the ushers in the large presentation basket (done at the break in pews) and for safety reasons brought forward and placed on the floor just inside the communion rail. The second collection will then begin immediately and when finished will be placed in a distinctly different large presentation basket and along with the gifts of bread & wine will come up the center aisle to be presented to the priest. An usher will carry the second collection and will hand it the priest. The same usher or a second usher coming forward at the same time will give the first collection to the priest. Next the bread and wine will be passed to the priest. Throughout both collections our Music Ministries will sing an appropriate hymn. The priest receives both collections plus the bread & wine and passes them to altar servers or the sacristan. The priest then goes up to the altar and continues Mass as usual. This has the added grace of blessing in Thanksgiving your generous gift through the second collection as it has been blest by the Offertory Hymn and then blest by being at the altar for the Eucharist. The two different presentation baskets to be used for each collection are distinctly different to avoid any later confusion.

New Collection Procedure Starts Sept. 12th & 13th To register or more information, please contact Dcn. Ron at 626.347.7673

Father Bill, Pastor


Church News cont:

“Unaccompanied Children Need You” Do you speak Spanish, Mam, Quiche, Kanjobal, Mixtec, or Nahuatl? You are invited to be part of a collaborative effort in conjunction with KIND (Kids in Need of Defense) and the Office of Life, Justice & Peace, Archdiocese of LA to translate for unaccompanied minors who come from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras & Mexico. These children risk their lives to reunite with parents or family members. Many leave their country of origin to escape violence, gangs, and/or being forced into prostitution or child slavery. Once they reach the US they are taken into custody by Immigration. KIND intervenes and secures pro-bono attorneys for many of them. Lawyers who represent these children need your assistance in helping with translation during the interview meetings with the minors. Often times, these children are more comfortable in speaking with an attorney when someone who speaks their native language is present during these meetings. Information/Orientation meeting:

St. Louis of France Church 13935 E Temple Ave, La Puente Sun. Sept. 20 3-5:30pm

Call to register: Margarita Gonzalez 626 862-9450; Maria Camacho 626 230-8790 or Lucy Boutte email: [email protected]

Come join the St. Vincent de Paul

Sacred Heart Conference

Meetings are held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm Activity Room in the Parish Center

DID YOU KNOW? Teach your children to respect their own boundaries Teaching your kids about the importance of boundaries and personal space will help them develop healthy relationships. Anything outside of your children’s comfort zone should be addressed right away. You child should be able to express to anyone how and when they like to be hugged, patted or held. As a parent, you should back up your child’s established boundaries to friends and family. For complete article from VIRTUS® email: [email protected]. CCW stands for Council of Catholic Women. All Catholic Women attending our parish are members!! Our group meets the first Monday of every month from September through May of the following year at 9:15 A.M., in the Parish Center’s Activity Room. (We are meeting the second Monday of this month because of Labor Day.) We plan many fun and religious events throughout the year. We would love to have you join us this coming Monday: September 14th and throughout the year!! If you have any questions please contact Dee McLaughlin at (626) 962-3115. QUEEN OF THE VALLEY HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS IS  HOSTING ITS ANNUAL  SECOND-HAND ROSE  FASHION  SHOW AND LUNCHEON DATE :  SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 FROM 11:00 AM TO  2 :00 PM IN THE OAKWOOD ROOM AT THE HOSPITAL.

The Sacred Heart Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul invites you to join it in silent works of charity: Quietly, discreetly aiding needy families. Personal visits to homes, hospitals, and institutions. Seeking and serving the distressed. Growing spiritually through a gift of self to others. The purpose of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to fulfill the two great Commandments-love of God and love of neighbor. We seek out God’s needy, both materially and spiritually, and help where we can. No need is too great or too small. If you feel you are called to this ministry, please join us at our next meeting.



Lecturas en Español... LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Díganles a los que están asustados: Calma, no tengan miedo (Isaías 35:4-7a). Salmo — Alaba, alma mía, al Señor (Salmo 146 [145]). Segunda lectura — Dios ha escogido a los pobres de este mundo para hacerlos ricos en la fe (Santiago 2:1-5). Evangelio — Jesús curó a un sordo que hablaba con dificultad. “Ábrete” (Marcos 7:31-37). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Col 1:24 — 2:3; Sal 62 (61):6-7, 9; Lc 6:6-11, o las lecturas de la Misa “Por la santificación del trabajo” Martes: Mi 5:1-4a o Rom 8:28-30; Sal 13 (12):6 Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23] Miércoles: Col 3:1-11; Sal 145 (144):2-3, 10-13ab; Lc 6:20-26 Jueves: Col 3:12-17; Sal 150:1b-6; Lc 6:27-38 Viernes: 1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14; Sal 16 (15):1b-2a, 5, 7-8, 11; Lc 6:39-42 Sábado: 1 Tm 1:15-17; Sal 113 (112):1b-7; Lc 6:43-49 Domingo: Is 50:5-9a; Sal 116 (115):1-6, 8-9; Stgo 2:14-18; Mc 8:27-35

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Vigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: Día del Trabajo Martes: La Natividad de la Santísima Virgen María Miércoles: San Pedro Claver Viernes: Día de los Patriotas Sábado: El Santísimo Nombre de la Virgen María; Santa María Virgen

NO TEMAN En estos tiempos, hay muchas razones para temer, con tan sólo mirar a nuestro alrededor. Tal parece que cada día los medios de comunicación tienen más malas noticias que anunciar: guerras, enfermedades, terrorismo, sequía, disturbios sociales, y mucho más. Algunas personas han dejado de usar los radios despertadores prefiriendo ser despertados por la sacudida de la alarma chillona y no de las malas noticias matutinas. ¿Qué más necesitamos para darnos cuenta de que somos criaturas limitadas, y aunque hay mucho que podemos hacer para mejorar nuestro mundo, en última instancia hay mucho que simplemente no está a nuestro alcance? Para esto, nuestro amoroso Dios nos dice: “¡Ánimo! No teman.” Debemos hacer todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance para hacer de nuestro mundo un lugar mejor y más seguro, pero también debemos reconocer nuestros límites y que nuestra seguridad absoluta está en manos de Dios. Nos puede servir de consuelo la realización de que Dios nos ama sin medida, y nos dará toda la ayuda necesaria para hacer de nuestro mundo un lugar acogedor y seguro para todos.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El Rito del Bautismo contiene varios elementos simbólicos que merecen nuestra atención. El agua, por ejemplo, es un elemento de doble significado. Es símbolo de vida y pureza. Además, la misma agua que es símbolo de vida, también puede traer la muerte. En el Rito del Bautismo el agua da muerte a nuestro viejo ser para hacernos renacer a la vida abundante que nos promete el Señor. Una vez renacidos se nos recuerda que nos hemos revestido de Cristo (las vestiduras blancas), que Dios nos ha iluminado (la vela) y nos ha ungido (seleccionado) con el crisma, óleo perfumado con que se consagraban los reyes, profetas y sacerdotes en tiempos bíblicos. Todos estos símbolos son bellos, pero a mi parecer, el más bello es el de Efata, que en griego significa ábrete. El ministro bendice los oídos del bautizado para que se abran a la Palabra de Dios y le bendice también la boca para que proclame no sólo alabanzas a Dios, sino para que sea un pregonero de su palabra. El cristiano debe ser una persona atenta a la voz de Dios para poder servirlo y proclamarlo al prójimo. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Noticias en Español...

HORARIOS DE MISA PARA CADA VIAJE El recurso para el Católico Viajero Cuando estés viajando para las vacaciones o para el trabajo, puedes localizar una parroquia Católica local y los horarios de las misas por un recurso maravilloso: Puedes ingresar y llenar cualquier estado, cuidad, calle, y código postal o zona en el mundo y encuentre una iglesia católica cercana con los horarios de esa iglesia para los días laborables, Sábados y Domingos. Puede buscar por día. Se le da el horario de la misa completa, además de horarios de confesiones y adoración. Se le proporciona el nombre de la iglesia, dirección, teléfono, y un enlace a su sitio web. Hay un mapa y una guía que muestra la distancia y las instrucciones de su dirección. Preferencias de idioma también se indican.

Estudio Biblico en Español!! El Dei Verbum nos anima a instruirnos en la palabra de Dios! Animate! Estudio Biblico aqui en Sacred Heart! Damos comienzo el Jueves 8 de Octubre Cavanna Hall 6:30 pm Te esperamos sera la experiencia mas emocionante de tu vida! Enamorate de la Sagrada Escritura!!! Informacion: Marisela Gutierrez 626-255-6046

¿SABÍA USTED? Enseñe a sus hijos a respetar sus límites personales Enseñar a sus hijos sobre la importancia de los límites personales y el espacio personal les ayudará a desarrollar buenas relaciones. Los niños deben sentirse cómodos en cualquier situación y ser capaces de expresar cómo y cuándo les gusta ser abrazados y acariciados. Si un niño se encuentra en una situación incómoda, un adulto de confianza debería resolver la situación inmediatamente. Como padre, usted debe respaldar los límites establecidos por su hijo con amigos y familiares. Para más información y para obtener una copia del artículo completo de VIRTUS® escriba a: [email protected].

September 2015 SUNDAY 9/6 RCIA 7a

9/13 RCIA 7a




9/7 Labor Day Office Closed

9/8 Legion of Mary 9a

9/9 SVDP 1:30p

Prayer & Life Workshop 6:15p

CMF 6:30p

9/14 CCW Meeting 9:15

9/15 Legion of Mary 9a

9/21 ACCW District Meeting 9:30a-1:30p



9/10 Prayers for Parish Priests 9:15a

9/11 Paper Bin


9/16 SVDP 1:30p

9/17 Prayers for Parish Priests 9:15a



9/22 Legion of Mary 9a

9/23 SVDP 1:30p

9/25 Paper Bin


Prayer & Life Workshop 6:15p

CMF 6:30p

9/24 Prayers for Parish Priests 9:15a

Prayer & Life Workshop 6:15p 9/20 RCIA 7a


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