Immaculate Conception Church

Immaculate Conception Church P.O. Box 1866 • 22 North 13th Street • Fort Smith, Arkansas 72902 • @IC_Church • ICCh

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Immaculate Conception Parish. Su luz debe brillar ante todos
1914-2014 Immaculate Conception Parish 2745 West 44th Street  Chicago, IL 60632    Tel: (773) 523-1402    Fax: (773) 523-8465    Email: imcc.chicago

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Community entrusted to the Institute of the Incarnate Word Comunidad confiada al Instituto del Verbo Encarnad

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Community entrusted to the Institute of the Incarnate Word Comunidad confiada al Instituto del Verbo Encarna

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Community entrusted to the Institute of the Incarnate Word Comunidad confiada al Instituto del Verbo Encarna

Immaculate Conception Church Front & Allen Streets. Office hours at Saint Michael Monday-Thursday 9-4:00 p.m. Friday 9-1:00 p.m
Saint Michael Parish January 15, 2017 Rev. Arturo Chagala, Parochial Administrator Mrs. Sue Fritz, Office Manager Sr. Jennie Catanese, M.S.B.T., Recep

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Immaculate Conception Church

P.O. Box 1866 • 22 North 13th Street • Fort Smith, Arkansas 72902 • @IC_Church • ICChurchFortSmith • Instagram: @icchurch

3rd Sunday of Advent

Welcome to our Parish!

December 11th, 2016 Pastor: Rev. John Antony Assoc. Pastors: Rev. Pius Iwu Deacons: Dc. Greg Pair Dc. César Villafranca Dc. Charles Kuehl Dc. Ron Mathews Church Office...................................783-7963 I.C. School........................................783-6798 Msgr. Wm. Galvin Parish Center......783-7961 St. Anne’s Hall .................................783-0423 Fax Machine Number.......................783-7865 Cindy McNally, Parish Business Manager…........................785-7970 Deacon Greg Pair, Director of Lay Ministry..............................785-7972 Life Teen Youth Office.…….............783-2603 Spanish Office..................................785-7978 Religious Education..........................783-7497 RCIA Office .....................................783-7963 Marriage Advocate...........................783-7963 Short term prayers for the Prayer Chain 452-9464 or 452-8222 “The mission of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church is to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus through Word, Sacraments and Works: to form our community in the traditions and teachings of our Catholic faith, to care for one another and the community at large and to bring others to know Jesus by our witness and example”.


Saturday, December 17th 7:00 a.m. Amy Schluterman † 3:30 p.m. Confessions @ Church 5:00 p.m. Fred Neuman †

Monday, December 12th Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 7:00 a.m. Betty Jean Etzkorn † Sunday, December 18th 6:00 p.m. Special Intentions of Fr. Juan Carlos Palacios 7:30 a.m. Myrna Wells † 10:00 a.m. Special Intentions of Tuesday, December 13th Parishioners 7:00 a.m. Frank & Eloise Porter † 12:00 p.m. Epifanio & Petra García † 5:00 p.m. Confessions @ Chapel 2:00 p.m. Wm. J Paino † 6:00 p.m. Sp. Mass @ Chapel 5:00 p.m. Bill Seiter † Wednesday, December 14th 7:00 a.m. Amy Schluterman † 10:00 a.m. Eddie Christian † Thursday, December 15th 7:00 a.m. Eleanor Riser † 5:00 p.m. Confessions @ Chapel 6:00 p.m. Sp. Mass @ Chapel Friday, December 16th 7:00 a.m. Cecilia Adams †

3rd Sunday of Advent December 11th, 2016 Those whom the Lord has ransomed will return and enter Zion singing, crowned with everlasting joy. — Isaiah 35:10a What’s on the cover?

Our Parish Posada!

The posadas provide us a way to prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ with prayer and joy in our hearts and to remember what Mary and Joseph went through before the birth of Jesus. Their origin dates back to the Spanish conquest when the Aztecs celebrated the god Quetzalcoatl and the goddess Huitzilopochtli at the beginning of the winter. They would congregate at the temples, that were illuminated by massive bonfires, to await for the winter solstice. The night of the December 24th and all day on December 25th, there were celebrations at every home. Hosts would offer their guests delicious food and small statues called “tzoatl” as party favors. The Spanish missionaries that arrived to Mexico at the end of the 16th century, took advantage of these religious traditions and used them to teach the natives the Gospel and gave the Aztec celebrations a Christian twist. On 1587, Friar Diego de Soria, obtained a papal bull from Pope Sixtus V, authorizing the New Spain to celebrate Christmas Masses (misas de Aguinaldo) from December 16th to the 24th. In these Masses, they would include biblical passages and nativity scenes. To make them more attractive and enjoyable, they added the use of fireworks and, later, the piñata. Over time, the posadas migrated to the neighborhoods and homes, moving in to the family life. These posadas begin with a Rosary and singing of the litanies. During the singing, participants form 2 lines with 2 children at the end that carry images of the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph: the pilgrims on their way to Bethlehem. At the end of the litany, they divide into 2 groups, one of them enters the house and the other one asks for a place to dwell; just like Mary and Joseph did when they arrived to Bethlehem. The pilgrims are welcomed by the other part of the group and there is a celebration where Christmas songs are sung and ends with the breaking of the piñatas and the distribution of the “aguinaldos” (party favors, normally candy)

Readings for the Week

Monday: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47, or any readings from the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary, nos. 707-712 Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19, 23; Mt 21:28-32 Wednesday: Is 45: 6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Ps 85:9ab, 1014; Lk 7:18b-23 Thursday: Is 54:1-10; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-12a, 13b; Lk 7:24-30 Friday: Is 56:1-3a, 6-8; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Jn 5:33-36 Saturday: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Sunday: Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-6; Rom 1:1-7; Mt 1:18-24

3rd Sunday of Advent: Gaudete Sunday

Like Lent, Advent is a penitential season, so the priest normally wears purple vestments. Out of the 4 Advent candles, the rose candle is lit on the third Sunday: Gaudete Sunday. It is the Sunday of rejoicing, because the faithful have arrived at the midpoint of Advent, when their preparation is now half over and they are close to Christmas. The name is taken from the entrance antiphon or Introit "Rejoice (gaudete) in the Lord always, again I say, rejoice." Having passed the midpoint of Advent, the Church lightens the mood a little, and the priest may wear rose vestments. The Our posadas will take place December 13th – 17th at 6:00 pm in the Chapel change in color provides us with encouragement to continue our spiritual preparation—especially prayer On December 18th, we will have our Parish Posada, sponsored by the Hispanic Committee in the Parish Center at 3:00 pm. Aside from the traditional posada, the youth and fasting—for Christmas. For this same reason, the third candle of the Advent wreath, first lit on Gaudete group Nuevo Amanecer and other volunteers will present a wonderful Christmas play Sunday, is traditionally rose-colored. Gaudete Sunday and we will offer a delicious meal. has a counterpart in Lent: Laetare Sunday. Third Week Prayer We invite you and all your Lord God, may we, your family to live this wonderful people, who look forward to tradition with a very the birthday of Christ profound meaning. So, experience the joy of salvation December 24th will not be and celebrate that feast with just another party, but you love and thanksgiving. We would have prepared your ask this through Christ our heart with true love for God Lord. Amen. and your neighbor. Long Term Prayer List. Mark Nicholson, Judy Sosebee, Irene Belcher, Stacy Caldwell, Sr., Louis Ferrari, Savannah Sosebee, Ruth Tinder, Andrea Williams, Olivia Wilbanks, Betty Wasson, Vera Moreton, Catherine Cabrera, Ryan Gammon, Tina Wollek, Debbie Shownes, Olga Portillo, Carroll Willey, Don Shafer, John Armstrong, Esther Lopez, Michael Kramer, Mackenzie Campbell, William Millar, Robert Sanford, Leroy Peer, Virginia Olsson, Anne Marie Richards, Mary Memmolo, Marcie Beland, Harold Willie, Radley O’Neal, Jean Hendricks, Rosewitha Goodman, Fran Schneider, Kim Borengasser, Mark Gabbard, Carrie Gray, Dahilia Gray, Betty Garth, Marilyn Branlett, Lola Hatfield, Paula Lloyd, Mary Williams, Joe Buergler, Tony Scherrey, Peggy Sutterfield, Scott Koch, Claudie Higgins, Riley Beck, Austin Eoff, Mary Allen, Todd Wieley, Peggy Weidman, Diane Hart, Jackson Fredrick, June Falleur Laws, Nancy Sickmann, Delores & Edmond Procter, Evelyn Wofford, George Moschner, Sonia Whitfield, Mandy Wasson Cockrane, Dale English, Olivia Neuman, Nancy Gibson, Dorothy McNamar, Rose Glover, Charlie Aboloc, J.B. Meyers, Kerrie Gilliland, Henry Brook Dix, Bruce Bontemps, Wally Russell, Cari Nolte Burgess, Mary Frances Roebuck, Deacon Matt Post, Sr. Aubrey, Tina Marie Collins, Chad Bruning, Terry Vaughn, Ray Conrad, Eddie Wakefield, Wincie Hendricks, Bonnie Thacker, Ryan Jacob Moore, Romie Meyers, Arthur Rideout, Charlene Dean, Buddy Hendricks, Ramona Buergler, Dorothy Parker, Larry Lawson, Tony Martinez, Traden Karch, Gaylord & Velda Armstrong, Mark Schaper, Ron & Linda Bordeaux, Nadine Long, John Menshek, Evelyn Scott, Fred Komp, Jim Burton, John Stephens, Stacy Forsgren, Joe Meyers, Victorino Barroso Martinez, Shane Pair, Bonnie Thacker, Harold Willie, Sally and Elvin Frick, Scotty Scott, Lance Kinsey, Linden Scott, Alice Holland


Sunday, December 11th Celebration for Our Lady of Guadalupe 10:00 A.M. Babysitting during Mass in St. Anne’s Nursery (For Children 4 and Under) 10:00 A.M. 3 - 4 Year Old Sunday School in Sunday School Rm. 10:00 A.M. RCIA Dismissal in Common Room. 6:30 P.M. Life Night in Youth Center 6:30 P.M. Exodus Bible Study meets in Common Room 6:30 P.M. Confirmation Session in Parish Center Monday, December 12th Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 6:00 P.M. Galatians Bible Study meets in Common Room 6:00 P.M. Mass in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Church 6:30 P.M. Bingo Night in the Parish Center 6:30 P.M. Amistad Ladies Group meets in St. Anne’s Hall Tuesday, December 13th 12:30 P.M. Doors of Mercy Bible Study in Common Room 3:30 P.M. Sisters of Mercy Reading Program in St. Anne’s Hall 6:00 P.M. Posadas in the Chapel 7:00 P.M. Life Teen Band practice in the Church 7:00 P.M. RCIA/RICA/RCIC Potluck in St. Anne’s Bldg. (4th) Wednesday, December 14th 9:00 A.M. IC Ladies Auxiliary meet in St. Anne’s Building 10:00 A.M. Catholic Moms Bible Study in Common Room 1:00 P.M. RCIA Make-Up Session in Common Room 6:30 P.M. PRE meets in St. Anne’s Bldg. and IC School 6:30 P.M. English Choir Practice in Church 6:00 P.M. Posadas in the Chapel Thursday, December 15th 6:00 P.M. Posadas in the Chapel 7:00 P.M. Sp. Choir 2:00 pm Mass practice in the Church 7:00 P.M. Sp. PG Leaders meet in St. Anne’s Hall Friday, December 16th 6:00 A.M. Men of Faith meets in St. Anne’s Hall 6:00 P.M. Posadas in the Chapel 7:00 P.M. EPJ meets in St. Anne’s Bldg. (3rd Floor) Saturday, December 17th 9:00 A.M. Eng. Baptism Class meets in Common Room 5:00 P.M. Nuevo Amanecer meets in Youth Center (Social) 5:00 P.M. Fuego Nuevo meets in Youth Center (Worship) 6:00 P.M. Posadas in the Chapel 6:30 P.M. Sp. Prayer Group meets in St. Anne’s Hall 7:00 P.M. Soldiers of Christ meets in Sunday School Room Sunday, December 18th 10:00 A.M. Babysitting during Mass in St. Anne’s Nursery (For Children 4 and Under) 10:00 A.M. 3 - 4 Year Old Sunday School in Sunday School Rm. 10:00 A.M. RCIA Dismissal in Common Room. 3:00 P.M. Parish Posada in the Parish Center 6:30 P.M. Life Night in Youth Center 6:30 P.M. Exodus Bible Study meets in Common Room 6:30 P.M. Confirmation Session in Parish Center

This week we want to recognize Suzanne McGraw, Patrick Flake and Reba Stockburger for serving on our Parish Council for the past 3 years. We really appreciate the time and talent they volunteered in this ministry. Thank you for everything you do for our church!

Adoration Chapel If you would like to join the adorers group, please call Rudy & Dorothy Gramlich at 479-452-7595 or John and Joyce Becker at 479-783-8569. Adorers are needed for Wednesday 1:00 am and Friday 2:00 am.

Catholic Schools Scholarship Appeal

Even with parish subsidies and constant fundraising, cost is a barrier to hundreds of families who can’t afford a Catholic education for their child. Increased enrollment improves the outlook for our schools. Can you help close the gap?  849 students qualified for scholarship assistance through parishes and schools for 2016-17  3.6 million is the calculated need for 2016-17  Parishes and schools have contributed 3.1 million  $500,000 is needed to close the gap for 2016-17 You can donate by printing a form from out website and mail it to Diocese of Little Rock, P. O. Box 7565, Little Rock, AR 72217-7565 Or you can also make donations online at

Discernment Retreat

Finding your YES to God: A Women’s Religious Vocation Discernment Retreat will be held January 6-7, 2017 at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 2500 N. Tyler St., Little Rock, AR 72207. Come see that Sisters are Real People! The retreat is for young women 16-35 years of age who want to learn and discern about Religious Life. Sponsored by the Diocesan Offices of Youth & Campus Ministry & Minister for Religious, the retreat will include talks on Religious Life by Sisters from congregations serving in Arkansas; time for prayer & reflection; and opportunity to speak with the Sisters. The Retreat is free. Registration deadline is January 2. For Registration Form and more information see or contact Sr. Joan Pytlik, Minister for Religious [email protected] or 501-664-0340, ext. 384.

Our Catholic Extension Calendars are HERE!

They are available free of charge for everybody! You can get yours at the entrances of the Church or at the Church Office! By purchasing our Catholic calendars, I.C. Church supports Catholic Extension in their century-old mission to support the Catholic Church right here in our country. For more information about Catholic Extension, please visit If you would like to sponsor the purchase of the Catholic Extension Calendars next year, please contact the Church Office.

Christmas Collection: Diocesan Clergy Welfare Fund On December 24th and 25th, the collection will go to support the Diocesan Clergy Welfare Fund. This fund allows us to give back by providing care for retired, senior and infirm priests in our diocese. Our priests have dedicated their lives to ministering and serving our families. It is now our turn to care for them. We ask you to prayerfully consider giving generously to this collection.

Poinsettia Sale If you would like to purchase a poinsettia to decorate the altar during Christmas, please return the following information, along with $10 for each poinsettia, to the Church Office or place them in the collection basket marked “Christmas Flowers” by December 19th. These poinsettias can be purchased for your family or in memory or honor of someone. Your Name:_______________________________________________________ In Memory of:______________________________________________________ In Honor of:________________________________________________________ Number of Poinsettias:___________ X $10.00 = $_______________

Religious Education Exodus: Called to Freedom. Sunday 6:30-8:00 pm. Common Room. Facilitator: David and Rosalie Young Doors of Mercy Exploring God's Covenant with You. Tuesday 12:30-2:00 pm in the Common Room. Facilitator: Surennah Werley Galatians. Monday 6:00 pm in Common Room. Facilitator: Charles Blaschke Catholic Moms. Wednesday 10:00 am in Common Room. Facilitator: Allison Montiel If you are interested in attending any of the classes, please contact Surennah Werley at 479-783-7497. You can come to the whole study or for as many lessons as you want.

Advent Reconciliation Services

Advent is a time of vigilance, waiting for the return of Christ. We all want to be prepared. Making a good confession is one of the many steps we can take to try to be ready for the birth of Jesus. December 13th - 6:00 pm I.C. Church Fort Smith December 14th - 5:00 pm Our Lady of the Assumption Booneville December 15th at 6:00 pm Sacred Heart of Mary Barling December 18th at 3:00 pm Christ the King Church Fort Smith December 20th at 5:00 pm St. Jude’s Church Waldron December 3rd,10th & 17th - 2:30 pm St. Michael’s Church will have regular Confessions.

New Year’s Evening of Recollection

“Famous or Important: what will be remembered in 1,000 years?” Is the topic of the New Year’s Evening of Recollection lead by Fr. Jerome Kodell, OSB, Dec. 31, 2016, - Jan. 1, 2017 at Coury House Retreat Center Subiaco Abbey, Subiaco AR. Begin the New Year considering what is truly important instead of what the world claims as fame. Open the year with Christ, celebrating His presence in your past, present and future. Call 934-4411 or e-mail [email protected] to make your reservation! Costs: private room: $140; shared room (per person): $110. Includes conferences, four meals, overnight accommodations, and a New Year’s Eve champagne celebration. Commuter rate: $75 includes conferences and three meals (two lunches and one dinner) and a New Year’s Eve champagne celebration.

St. Scholastica Bake Sale!

Get all your holiday treats at St. Scholastica Monastery's Bake Sale TODAY, Sunday, December 11 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Retreat Center, 1205 S. Albert Pike, Fort Smith (Trinity JHS building, east wing). The Catholic Diocese of Little Rock is committed to protecting children and young people. If you are aware of abuse or have been abused by Clerics, Church volunteers or Church workers, please contact the Vicar General for the Diocese of Little Rock at (501)664-0340 ext. #361, and the State of Arkansas Hotline for crimes against Children at 1-800-482-5964. For pastoral assistance please contact the Victim Assistance Coordinator for the Diocese of Little Rock, Drs. George and Sherry Simon at (501)766- 6001. Diocesan Offices, 2500 No. Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207.

A gift of faith, all year Arkansas Catholic Gift Subscription Buy 2 Get 1 FREE! Give a subscription to Arkansas Catholic, mailed with faith and love 46 times a year. We’ll send a card to the recipients telling them of your gift starting in December, and they’ll get their first issue soon after. To be sure of delivery in time for Christmas, order your gift subscriptions before Dec. 16. For more information or digital subscriptions, call (501) 664-0125. (Offer expires Dec. 31, 2016) You can even start or renew your own subscription in this special offer. Send your order to: Arkansas Catholic Gift Subscriptions, P. O. Box 7869, Little Rock AR 72217.You can download an order form from our website Cost: $26 each, one year $24 if recipient over age 65.

Life Teen News!

Weekend Extravaganza: is coming up on January 21-22. Registration forms are at Life Nights and also the church office. Papers and money must be turned in by Dec 13. Mandatory Meeting: A required parent meeting will be held Jan 11, 2017.

A Christmas Gift for Married Couples

Couples....... want to give each other something really special this Christmas? How about a gift filled with Romance and Excitement? That's just the beginning of what you will receive on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are at Subiaco, Arkansas, February 10-12, 2017 and at Memphis – Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Center, April 28-30, 2017. Space is limited. For more information or to apply call Robert and Anne Maestri at 479-831-2841 or email [email protected] or apply online at

Rosary for the Healing of the Family Tree

The ladies from the Amistad Multicultural group have made special rosaries for this novena and we have them available in the Church Office for $15. The Rosary is accompanied with a booklet containing the specific prayers that must be said with the Rosary (English & Spanish). If you have any questions, or would like to purchase a Rosary, please contact Surennah Werley, Ana Garcia or Mariella Araujo at the Church Office 479-783-7963 or visit

A Season of Hope

Today we can bask in the imagery that the Mass readings offer us. In particular, Isaiah’s vision of a parched land that blooms with abundant flowers holds a message for each of us. Too often we are just like that parched land. We can allow ourselves to become absorbed in the waves of consumerism that grip so many. We look for fulfillment in the things that money can buy. Unfortunately, this leaves us like parched land, thirsting for something that money can’t buy. This holy season has much to offer to quench our thirsts. In a word, this season offers hope. We are told that those who are ransomed by God will know joy and gladness. For them, sorrow and mourning will be no more. Let us place our hope in these promises.

PARISH STEWARDSHIP INFORMATION — 12/04/16 Due to an early deadline, we were not able to include the Financial Information for December 4th by the close of this bulletin edition. Please visit our website for the current Financial Information. We apologize for the inconvenience, Immaculate Conception Church

3er Domingo de Adviento 11 de Diciembre del 2016 Volverán a casa los rescatados por el Señor, vendrán a Sión con cánticos de júbilo, coronados de perpetua alegría. — Isaías 35:10a Horario para rezar el Santo Rosario

Bienvenido a Nuestra Parroquia!

Diciembre 11 Juan Antonio Barrios Diciembre 18 Cande Galván Diciembre 25 Antonia Anaya Si deseas rezar el Rosario en los próximos meses llama a Mariella Araujo al (479)785-7978.

Búscanos en Facebook

Tiempo de Esperanza

Hoy podemos deleitarnos con el simbolismo que las lecturas de la misa nos ofrecen. En especial, la visión de Isaías de una tierra sedienta que florece en abundancia contiene un mensaje para cada uno de nosotros. La mayoría de las veces somos como esa tierra sedienta. Dejamos que las olas del consumismo, que se apoderan de tantos, nos absorban. Buscamos realizarnos en las cosas que el dinero puede comprar. Lamentablemente, esto nos deja como una tierra baldía, sedienta de algo que el dinero no puede comprar. Este tiempo sagrado tiene mucho que ofrecer para saciar nuestra sed. En una palabra, este tiempo ofrece esperanza. Se nos dice que los rescatados por Dios conocerán el gozo y la dicha. Para ellos, la pena y la aflicción habrán terminado. Tengamos esperanza en estas promesas.

Lecturas de la Semana

Lunes: Zac 2:14-17 o Apo 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lc 1:26-38 o Lc 1:39-47, o cualquier lectura del Común de Santa María Virgen. Martes: Sof 3:1-2, 9-13; Sal 34 (33):2-3, 6-7, 17-19, 23; Mt 21:28-32 Miércoles: Is 45: 6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Sal 85 (84):9ab, 10-14; Lc 7:18b-23 Jueves: Is 54:1-10; Sal 30 (29):2, 4-6, 11-12a, 13b; Lc 7:24-30 Viernes: Is 56:1-3a, 6-8; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5, 7-8; Jn 5:33-36 Sábado: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Sal 72 (71):1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Domingo: Is 7:10-14; Sal 24 (23):1-6; Rom 1:1-7; Mt 1:18-24

Capilla de Adoración en San Bonifacio

Por favor llamen a Rudy y Dorothy Gramlich al 479-452-7595 o con John y Joyce Becker al 479-783-8569 si están interesados en formar parte del grupo de adoradores. Necesitamos adoradores para el Miércoles 1:00 am y Viernes 2:00 am.

Reconocimiento de la Semana

Esta semana queremos reconocer a Suzanne McGraw, Patrick Flake & Reba Stockburger por sus tres años de servicio en el Consejo Parroquial. Les agradecemos el tiempo y el talento que dedicaron a este ministerio.

La justicia es el seguro que tenemos para nuestra vida, y la obediencia es el costo que pagamos por él.

¿Acabas de llegar a Fort Smith? ¿Nunca te has registrado? ¡Te invitamos a llenar una forma de registro! Puedes encontrarla en nuestro sitio web en Español (ñol) Busca nuestra páginaICChurchFortSmith. ¡Las publicaciones son bilingües y en tiempo real! ¡Danos un “Me Gusta”!

¡Venta de Pasteles en Sta. Escolástica! Ven por tus bocadillos navideños a la venta de pasteles de Sta. Escolástica el Sábado 10 de Diciembre de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm y el Domingo 11 de Diciembre de 11:00 am a 1:00 pm en el Centro de Retiro (1205 S. Albert Pike, Fort Smith, junto a la Secundaria Trinity)

Tercer Domingo de Adviento

Al igual que la Cuaresma, el Adviento es un tiempo penitencial, es por eso que el sacerdote normalmente porta vestiduras moradas. De las 4 velas de Adviento, la vela rosa es encendida en el tercer Domingo: Domingo Gaudete. Es un Domingo de gozo, puesto que los fieles hemos llegado a la mitad del Adviento, nuestra preparación casi termina y estamos muy cerca de la Navidad. El nombre proviene de la antífona “Regocijaos (gaudete) siempre en el Señor, de nuevo digo, regocijaos.” Al haber pasado la mitad del Adviento, la Iglesia se relaja un poco y el sacerdote puede portar vestiduras rosas. El cambio de color nos da ánimo para continuar nuestra preparación espiritual –especialmente la oración y el ayuno– para Navidad. Por esta misma razón, la tercera vela de la corona de Adviento, que se enciende en el Domingo Gaudete, es de color rosa. El Domingo Gaudete es la contraparte del Domingo Laetare de Cuaresma. Oración de la Tercer Semana Dios nuestro, has que nosotros, tu gente, que espera con ansias el nacimiento de Cristo, experimentemos la alegría de la salvación y celebremos la fiesta con amor y agradecimiento. Te lo pedimos por medio de Cristo, nuestro Señor. Amén.

Venta de Nochebuenas Si te gustaría comprar una nochebuena para decorar el Altar en Navidad, por favor entrega esta forma con toda información y $10 por cada nochebuena a la Oficina Parroquial o colócalo en la canasta de la colecta en una sobre marcado “Flores de Navidad” antes del 19 de Diciembre. Las nochebuenas pueden ser compradas por tu familia o en honor o memoria de un ser querido. Tu Nombre:_______________________________________________________ En Memoria de:_____________________________________________________ En Honor a:_______________________________________________________ Número de Nochebuenas:___________ X $10.00 = $_______________

¿Qué está en la portada? ¡Las Posadas! Las posadas son un medio para preparar con alegría y oración nuestro corazón para la venida de Jesucristo y para recordar y vivir los momentos que pasaron José y María antes del Nacimiento de Jesús. Su origen se remonta a los tiempos de la conquista cuando los aztecas festejaban al dios Quetzalcóatl y a Huitzilopochtli durante el inicio del invierno. Los indígenas se reunían en los patios de los templos, iluminados por enormes fogatas, para esperar la llegada del invierno. El 24 de diciembre por la noche y al día siguiente, 25 de diciembre, había fiestas en todas las casas. Se ofrecía a los invitados una rica comida y unas pequeñas estatuas de pasta llamadas "tzoatl". Los misioneros españoles que llegaron a México a finales del siglo XVI aprovecharon estas costumbres religiosas para inculcar en los indígenas el espíritu evangélico y dieron a las fiestas aztecas un sentido cristiano. En 1587 el superior del convento de San Agustín de Acolman, Fray Diego de Soria, obtuvo del Papa Sixto V, un permiso que autorizaba a la nueva España la celebración de unas Misas llamadas "de aguinaldos" del 16 al 24 de diciembre. En estas Misas, se intercalaban pasajes y escenas de la Navidad. Para hacerlas más atractivas y amenas, se les agregaron luces de bengala, cohetes y villancicos y posteriormente, la piñata. Con el tiempo, las posadas se comenzaron a llevar a cabo en barrios y en casas, pasando a la vida familiar. Las posadas comienzan con el rezo del Rosario y el canto de las letanías. Durante el canto, los asistentes forman dos filas que terminan con 2 niños que llevan unas imágenes de la Santísima Virgen y de San José: los peregrinos que iban a Belén. Al terminar las letanías se dividen en dos grupos: uno entra a la casa y otro pide posada imitando a San José y la Santísima Virgen cuando llegaron a Belén. Los peregrinos reciben acogida por parte del grupo que se encuentra en el interior. Luego sigue la fiesta con el canto de villancicos y se termina rompiendo las piñatas y distribuyendo los "aguinaldos". Te invitamos a que vivas esta tradición con el sentido profundo que tiene. Así, el 24 de diciembre no solo será un festejo más, sino que habrás preparado tu corazón con un verdadero amor a Dios y a tu prójimo. Las Posadas en la Inmaculada Concepción se llevarán a cabo del 13 al 17 de Diciembre a las 6:00 pm en la Capilla del Edificio de Santa Anna. 13 de Diciembre: Caballeros de Colón y Ministros Eucarísticos 14 de diciembre: Cursillos 15 de Diciembre: Fuerza Transformadora y Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial 16 de Diciembre: Pre-Cana 17 de Diciembre: Grupo de Oración El Domingo 18 de Diciembre tendremos la Posada Parroquial patrocinada por el Comité Hispano en el Salón Parroquial a las 3:00 pm. Además de la tradicional Posada, el grupo de jóvenes Nuevo Amanecer y varios voluntarios presentarán una bonita pastorela y ofreceremos una rica merienda. ¡Ven con toda tu familia y vive esta hermosa tradición!

Colecta de Navidad: Fondo de Bienestar del Clero Diocesano

El 24 y 25 de Diciembre la colecta será destinada para apoyar al Fondo de Bienestar del Clero Diocesano. Este fondo nos permite proveer de cuidados a los miembros del clero diocesano jubilados, de edad avanzada y enfermos. Nuestros sacerdotes han dedicado su vida al ministerio y servicio para nuestras familias y hoy es el tiempo para que nosotros nos ocupemos de ellos. Les pedimos que por favor oren y consideren donar generosamente en esta colecta.

Servicios de Reconciliación de Adviento

El Adviento es un tiempo de alerta, esperando la venida de Cristo. Todos queremos estar preparados y recibiendo el Sacramento de Reconciliación es uno de los muchos pasos que podemos hacer para estar listos para el nacimiento de Jesús. 13 de Diciembre - 6:00 pm Inmaculada Concepción Fort Smith 14 de Diciembre - 5:00 pm Nuestra Sra. De la Asunción Booneville 15 de Diciembre - 6:00 pm Sagrado Corazón de María Barling 17 de Diciembre - 2:30 pm San Miguel Van Buren 18 de Diciembre - 3:00 pm Cristo Rey Fort Smith 20 de Diciembre - 5:00 pm San Judas Waldron

¡Noticias de Life Teen!

Weekend Extravaganza: Enero 21-22. Formularios de registro están disponible en las Noches de Life Night y en la Oficina Parroquial. La fecha límitepara entregar los documentos es el 13 de Diciembre. Junta de Padres Obligatoria: 11 de Enero del 2017.

¡Llegaron los Calendarios Parroquiales!

Los calendarios de la Parroquia del 2017 ya están aquí! Están disponibles gratuitamente para todos en las entradas de la iglesia y en la Oficina Parroquial a partir de este fin de semana! Por medio de la compra de los calendarios, la Inmaculada Concepción apoya a la Catholic Extension en su misión de ayudar a la Iglesia Católica aquí en nuestro país. Los fondos recaudados de la venta de los calendarios son destinados al fondo de educación de los seminaristas y a subsidiar los salarios de los sacerdotes, religiosas y otros lideres que han dedicado su vida al servicio de la Iglesia. Si estas interesado en patrocinar la compra de calendarios de Catholic Extension el próximo año, por favor, contacta a la Oficina Parroquial. Para más información acerca de Catholic Extension, por favor visiten

Programa de Contribuciones Automáticas

Apoya el trabajo de Dios en la Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción aún cuando estés de vacaciones, en caso de enfermedad o que por alguna causa no puedas asistir a Misa. Para más información contacta a la Oficina Parroquial o visita


Por todos nuestros enfermos, para que su cercanía a Dios les de alivio y consuelo, especialmente por Kaylee Palafox, Estefani Ponce, Sr. Hilario Díaz, Ricardo Martínez, Guadalupe Rivera, Rosa Elena Bonilla, Mercedes Castro, Lorena Aguilar, Gregorio García, Roberto Ruiz, Fidelia Martínez, Alberto Carlos Rodríguez, Antonia Luna, Humberto Cruz, Juan José Amezquita, Leticia Luna, Victorino Barroso Martínez Oremos al Señor.

LA DIOCESIS DE LITTLE ROCK ESTA COMPROMETIDA A PROTEGER A LOS NIÑOS Y JOVENES. Si estás enterado de algún abuso o has sido abusado por clérigos, voluntarios o funcionarios de la Iglesia, por favor contacte al Vicario General de la Diócesis de Little Rock al: (501) 6640340, Ext. 361, y a la Línea de Ayuda del Estado de Arkansas para crímenes contra niños al 1800-482-5964. Para asistencia pastoral, por favor contacta a la Coordinadora de Asistencia para Víctimas de la Diócesis de Little Rock con los Dres. George y Sherry Simon al (501)766-6001. Oficinas Diocesanas 2500 North Tyler St. Little Rock, Ar 72207.

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